Friday 18 January 2013

First reflection

I suspect several of us are feeling just a little uncertain about the sot23 things training and keeping a reflective blog. I have created a blog and that can be the basis of my first reflection. Blogger doesn't seem easy to drive (keeping the analogy of the 'dashboard'). If I'm honest I did have a slight 'pang' of giving up. It is quite surprising how rapidly people of my age can actually get to grips with these things; I was dismissive about smart-phones, as an example, (because I only phone and send texts...), but really got to grips with it swiftly and have ventured beyond phoning and texting.

It has been snowing here, and this always threatens to keep me in Southampton over the weekend. I have therefore added a link to a snowy picture below.

And here is an image of a yellow car:

Yellow car is a game you can play when out driving with the family. If you see a yellow car, bash someone. The driver can keep the score.

My thought for the day is from Evelyn Underhill: 'Sanity consists in sharing the hallucinations of others'.


  1. Think you're a bit of a natural at this Peter.

    I like the idea of a yellow car game. We usually play a far too complicated points version of this game with rapidly evolving rules. The only thing I really remember is that it's a 100 points for a pink car - 1000 if it has a soft top.

  2. Interesting. We tend to keep this a secret but the driver can actually play (and usually wins as there are rear view mirrirs.) If the yellow car is a VW Beetle, this automatically doubles the points. If it is vintage, you automatically win.

    I used to have a yellow Hillman avenger. I wonder if you can remember what they were like...

  3. We play yellow car - double points for yellow minis!

    Also our first car was a beige Hillman Avenger called Lady - devastated when it had to go to the great rust heap in the sky.
